Traffic Police Share Stark Drink Drive Warning After Devastating Crash

Midland traffic officers issued a sobering reminder of the dangers of drink driving by sharing a photo of a badly-mangled car following a crash. The incident occurred before 3.48 am on Saturday, November 25, prompting Worcestershire’s Operational Policing Unit (OPU) for West Mercia Police to respond.

With the festive party season in full swing and amid concerns about planned train strikes, the police emphasized the impact of drink driving by posting a photo of the wrecked car alongside the warning “don’t drink drive,” and the comment “Enough said.”

This powerful message garnered significant attention on social media, with many users liking and retweeting the image. The urgency of the warning was further underlined by statistics from The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA), revealing that over the past three years, alcohol-related crashes have resulted in 23 fatalities and 154 serious injuries in Shropshire, Herefordshire, and Worcestershire.

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RoSPA’s ‘Only One for the Road’ campaign, launched in collaboration with West Mercia Police and Wenlock Spring, advocates for zero alcohol consumption before driving, stressing the unpredictability of alcohol content in different drinks and urging motorists to refrain from trying to calculate their blood alcohol level.

Quoting Rebecca Guy, road safety manager for RoSPA, the dangers of misjudging alcohol consumption were highlighted, emphasizing that “the only safe option is to avoid drinking alcohol before driving.” In an effort to raise awareness and promote responsible decision-making, the campaign aims to prevent further tragedies on the road during the holiday season.

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